Monday, June 13, 2011

Bunga oh Bunga..

Alhamdulillah.. today im felt much better than yesterday.. ermm..
let me tell u the reason that made me smile and keep smiling even before im going to sleep tonight..
its because of this beautiful flowers..
owhh.. im falling love to this yellow flower..
and hari ni jugak im lucky sebab ade auntie sorg ni dtg nak beli bunga jugak.. then she requested for some treatment water for her flower.. terpinga2 jugak la.. what that kind of water ek??.. then she told me that this water can make flower tahan lama.. at least for 1 week.. woww.. lama jugak tu.. this water imported from cameron highland tuh.. susah tu nak dapat woo..  org2 yg ade knowledge about flower and lucky jek akan dapat air ni.. so lepas ni jgn lupa mintak air ni skali ye if nak beli bunga..
hopefully la bunga2 aku ni bleh btahan tuk seminggu ni.. i'll buy for some other flower next week.. hehehe.. 

falling love to this white rose..
others said, its mean you’re heavenly, reverence and humility, innocence and purity, and secrecy.. 
guess who that little boy.. is he the same person with that big boy??
jeng jeng jeng..
honestly, i miss him very much..
macam anak orang belanda kan?? brambut perang dan bermata coklat.. miss u la baby..
see how the yellow colour treat your heart.. actually i dont know what the specific name it is.. but its seems like kekwa kan..

yeahh.. we're hiding at the background..

 okay.. im going to sleep.. good night my beautiful flowers, and my dearest silent readers.. heeee..